Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Laws of Logarithms

5-6: Laws of Logarithms

1) Log
b MN = Logb M + LogbN

2) Logb M/N = Logb M - LogbN

3) Logb M = Logb N if and only if M = N

4) Logb Mk = k LogbM

5) Logb b = 1

6) Logb 1 = 0

7) Logb bk = k
8) bLogbx = x

Sample problems

Write each log in expanded form.

1) Log5 xy2 =


Log5 x + Log5 y2
= Log
5 x + 2 Log5 y

2) Log7(xy/z2) =


Log7 x + Log7 y - 2 Log7 z


Express each as a single log.

1) Log x + Log y - Log z =


Log (xy)/z

2) 2 Ln x + 3 Ln y =


Ln x2y3

3) (1/2) Ln x - (1/3) Ln y =


Writing logs as single logs can be helpful in solving many log equations.

1) Log2(x + 1) + Log2 3 = 4


First combine the logs as a single log.

Log2 3(x + 1) = 4

Now rewrite as an exponential equation.
3(x + 1) = 24

Now solve for x.

3x + 3 = 16

3x = 13

x = 13/3 Since this doesn't make the number inside the log zero or negative, the answer is acceptable.

2) Log (x + 3) + Log x = 1


Again, combine the logs as a single log.

Log x(x + 3) = 1

Rewrite as an exponential.

x(x + 3) = 10

Solve for x.

x2 + 3x = 10

x2 + 3x - 10 = 0

(x + 5)(x - 2) = 0

x = -5 or x = 2 We have to throw out 5. Why? Because it makes (x + 3) negative and we can't take the log of a negative number. So the only answer is x = 2.

3) Ln (x - 4) + Ln x = Ln 21


Notice, this time we have a log on both sides. If we write the left side as a single log, we can use the rule that if the logs are equal, the quantity inside must be equal.

Ln x(x - 4) = Ln 21

Since the logs are equal, what is inside must be equal.

x(x - 4) = 21

Solve for x.

x2 - 4x = 21

x2 - 4x - 21 = 0

(x - 7)(x + 3) = 0

x = 7 or x = -3 Again, we need to throw out one of the answers because it makes both quantities negative. Throw out -3 and keep 7. Thus, the answer is x = 7.

Simplify each log

1) ln e5


This is rule number 7. The answer is 5!

2) Log 10-3


This is again rule #7. The answer: -3 (This answers the question: what power do you raise 10 to get 10 to the third?

3) eln 7


This is rule #8. The answer is 7.

4) e2ln 5


We can use rule #8 as soon as we simplify the problem.
Rewrite as: e
ln 25
= 25 The 25 came from 5

5) 10Log 6


Rule #8 again. Answer: 6

6) 102 + log 5


We need to simplify before we can apply one of the rules.
Rewrite as: (10
2)(10log5) Adding exponents means you are multiplying the bases.

= 100(5) Use rule #8 again.

= 500

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